…And Everything Creates An Experience

CX & Violins is the byproduct of a friendship among an elite group of independent industry veterans–from design, analytics, business, marketing and technology–pooling their collective real world experiences to create a B2B agency like no other.

“The way we see it,” says Frank EE Grubich, Founder & Brand Director, “You can’t help others with customer experience unless you have actual experience working with customers.” It’s what sets us apart from the relentless onslaught of new tech startups. It’s what infuses our methodology with grace, intelligence and ease.

It’s everything. And more.

An Intelligent Approach

Every execution starts with a hypothesis based on available data. From there we test, measure, and learn. Then repeat. Unlike traditional agencies, we view data not as an inhibitor but as an enabler to the creative process. The more we know, the bolder we can be.

Flexible Teams

CX transformation takes time, talent, and teamwork. With the CX&V customer roadmap in hand, we’re able to expand and contract the size and agility of our teams to best maximize your marketing and media spend.

Fearlessly Creative

Life is short. You only get so many times at bat. Don’t waste precious time and energy playing it safe. Swing for the fences. Not only will the experience be more enjoyable, but once in a while you’ll hit it out of the park. With data-driven, customer-focused creative, your chances for success just got better. We should know: we’ve got over 140 industry awards, honors, and citations to prove it.